IH Sofia Hosting the 2018 IHWO Directors' Conference

май 10, 2018

IHWO Directors’ Conference – Sofia 2018

Brilliant IH Sofia Directors’ Conference over the last 4 days!

Saturday, May 5th

IH had some really interesting workshops with with Loraine Kennedy and Laura Jenkins on the first day of the #IHConfSofia.

Followed by an amazing walking tour around the city of Sofia on the very first day and an opening gala dinner at the Military Club.

Sunday, May 6th

Then another fabulous day at #IHConfSofia with a super engaging plenary from Loraine Kennedy, some really great sessions from our IH Directors and an exciting charity auction in aid of the Cedar Foundation to top off the day!

Monday, May 7th

Another really interesting day at #IHConfSofia, with a morning session from Jackie Kassteen about 21st century skills, storytelling and creating WOW moments. Also had lots of IH schools speaking about the innovations and events they’ve created.

Finishing the night with a very exciting Quiz at IH Sofia Sitnyakovo office, tasty Bulgarian food, nice talks… Having a wonderful time!

Tuesday, May 8th

An afternoon of celebrating IH milestones… Congratulations to all IHWO superstars! #IHConfSofia

And a wonderful closing dinner at the Happy Village restaurant in Sofia. Enjoying some Bulgarian food, folk music and traditional dances…

Wednesday, May 9th

Official start of the Study Abroad Conference in Sofia.

And a fantastic trip to Plovdiv. Sunshine, nice weather, smiling people…

Our partners from IH Sofia were so pleased to welcome all 140 delegates to our capital city this year.

Looking forward to the next IH Directors’ conference in 2019!


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